Virtual meetings with Legault | Anglade slams the door

(Quebec) Dominique Anglade puts an end to his participation in the weekly calls between the leaders of the opposition parties and the Prime Minister. The liberal leader feels “instrumentalised” by François Legault, whom she accuses of “pretending to collaborate”.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

The leader of the official opposition confirmed Thursday that she would not participate in this Friday’s virtual meeting between the leaders of the opposition parties and François Legault. The Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, will also be present. The elected officials resumed this weekly meeting last week in the context of the Omicron tsunami. However, according to Anglade, these telephone interviews are organized so that the government “looks good”.

” [M. Legault] pretends that he collaborates by saying: “I collaborate, I have meetings”, as if it were really collaboration, but it is not that. True collaboration is that you agree to debate, to give information and to transmit it in a timely manner, that you are transparent and that people can attend the various exchanges”, she explains, saying that she is “instrumentalised “.

She maintains that she asked that these meetings be open to the media and be held in the presence of a public health representative to answer questions, which the government allegedly refused. At the first meeting, she says she wanted to see the notices from Public Health explaining the imposition of the curfew and the recent closures.

” [Le gouvernement a] expected [jeudi], the day before the other meeting, to send us information, and this is a summary of the measures in force. Opinions on the closures of restaurants, sports… the curfew, there is nothing. These are summaries of measures in force that can be found on the internet, ”she laments.

“We have nothing more than what has been put online”

The Department of Health and Human Services released recent Public Health advisories on Thursday, including recommendations for administering the third dose, case and contact management in schools and holiday gatherings. Regarding the tightening of health measures announced on December 31, we can find a table of implementation, without explanation.

“We have absolutely nothing more than what has been posted online,” denounces the Liberal leader.

I don’t see how we [les chefs d’opposition] is better equipped to answer the real questions people are asking today.

Dominique Anglade, Leader of the Quebec Liberal Party

The Prime Minister appealed to the cooperation of the opposition parties last week to face the Omicron wave. “I understand that there is an election in October, but we need, for the coming weeks, to stick together,” he explained when announcing that he was going to hold a meeting. weekly phone call with them.

These virtual meetings end when Parliament resumes on 1er February.

The Liberal leader had demanded at the beginning of January that Mr. Legault urgently convene the National Assembly in the face of the threat posed by the Omicron variant, which the government had refused, noting that Public Health is asking Quebecers to remain in telework. “All week in the parliamentary committee, there are people who sat in the National Assembly, so it shows that it was a bogus excuse on the part of the government”, she criticizes.

Dominique Anglade affirms that she will only agree to resume weekly calls with the head of government and the opposition parties if these calls are made public.

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