Virginie Ledoyen plays the transparency card for a poetic evening

The Exploits of a Young Don Juan, The Marmots, Heroines, The Beach, Eight Women... Virginie Ledoyen, at only 45 years old, already has a fine filmography, not to mention her participation in the series Wretched. His passion for the profession of actor is then no doubt. On the other hand, what seemed less obvious is that she is “also passionate about literature and poetry”. This is at least what we could read in a press release dedicated to the 2022 edition of the Prix Apollinaire, which is a famous poetry competition.

An event that took place this Monday, November 7 in the prestigious café The Two Magots – located in the famous district of Saint-Germain-des-Près in Paris – and which therefore had for “bubbly godmother” the famous actress. Virginie Ledoyen presented herself in an outfit that was both very chic and sober, consisting of a black suit jacket matching her top and her pants. A little touch of sensuality with a game of transparency … The actress notably, during this evening, read “poems taken from the prize-winning works”before returning the Apollinaire Prize 2022 to Denise Desautels for her collection Vanish (Éditions L’herbe qui tremble), published in 2021.

I adapt

As a reminder, this prize, founded in 1941, crowns each year “a collection characterized by its originality and its modernity”. In particular, it is considered to be the equivalent of Prix ​​Goncourt but for poetry. And it is therefore Virginie Ledoyen who has been chosen to be the godmother of this new edition, she who must also take care of her family on the sidelines of her professional activities. She is indeed the mother of three children: her double Lilacborn in 2001 from her love with Louis Soubrier, as well asIsaac (2010) and Amalia (2014), fruits of his love with Arié Elmaleh, from whom she is now separated.

In June 2017, she confided in the education she wants to bring them. “I try to make them independent, in order to give them self-confidence. But basically, I adapt, like all parents. And then, having started this profession young with images showing me at their age, I don’t can’t tell them anything”, she explained in the pages of TV Star.

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