Virginie Efira in a “free” relationship with her companion Niels Schneider? She is cash on her desires

First TV host for several shows, including the Nouvelle Star, Virginie Efira has fallen in love with cinema for several years. And it works for him. After a first successful film, the pretty blonde is now playing major roles in the cinema. Alongside the greatest.

Currently showing in the film En Attendant Bojangles, by Régis Roinsard, inspired by Olivier Bourdeaut’s novel, Virginie Efira is bathed in love. A subject that she likes to interpret in cinema just as much as to experience it in real life. Far from being embarrassed about this, the actress has therefore agreed to discuss her vision of love and her couple in the columns of Marie Claire.

“How far are you willing to go for love?“, to this question, for Virginie Efira, the answer is simple:”I imagine as far as possible, without betraying oneself“. While contradicting his words a little …”I still have a pretty romantic temperament. You can’t want great feelings and say you’re completely independent“. Very blue flower, the former host does not always know how to go about it with love, and with the other, here Niels Schneider, her companion:”I’m trying to build myself a little manual of ‘how to be well together‘”.

As for open relationships … what a question for Virginie Efira, “I wish I could tell you that I find free love really great … but on this, I am quite razor sharp!“. In love with love, for her, nothing better than fidelity and sharing only two “I still believe very strongly in exclusivity, whether sexual, intellectual or otherwise, that is to say a place that you only share with one person”.

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