Violent messages from Johnny Depp read in court

(Washington) The lawyers of Amber Heard, ex-wife of Johnny Depp, presented Thursday text messages with violent content, without detailing the context, that the Hollywood star exchanged with relatives, as part of the defamation lawsuit that he sues her.

Posted at 12:33 p.m.

“I never want to lay eyes on that dirty whore Amber again,” Johnny Depp wrote to a friend in April 2015, two months after they got married.

Lawyers for his former wife began cross-examining the actor by reading to the court a slew of messages he had exchanged over the years with multiple contacts, giving no details other than who they spoke to and the date. texts.

“Let’s burn Amber,” read Ben Rottenborn, who represents Amber Heard. “You said ‘I’m going to fuck her burnt corpse afterwards, to make sure she’s dead.’ That’s what you said you would do after you burned her and drowned her,” the lawyer assured, reading a message sent in 2013 by the actor to a friend of his.

Dark suit on a black shirt, Johnny Depp appeared still looking serious for the third day of his testimony, reading with his tinted glasses the various documents presented as evidence in court.

Over the course of the questions, his alcohol and drug abuse have also been extensively detailed by Heard who, present in the room, kept an impassive face.

The two former spouses accuse each other of defamation during this trial, very followed and partly broadcast on the news channels, which is held near Washington, following a column she wrote in 2018.

In this text published by the washington postAmber Heard, now 35, did not name Johnny Depp, whom she married in 2015. But she did mention the domestic violence charges she brought against her husband in 2016.

Wednesday, the star of the film series Pirates of the Caribbean told the court that this publication and these allegations had cost him “everything”, leaving him in the state of a “finished” man.

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