Violent gesture towards Chris Rock | Will Smith resigns from the Academy of Oscars

(Los Angeles) Under disciplinary proceedings after the slap in the face of comedian Chris Rock in the middle of the Oscars ceremony, Will Smith took the lead and announced Friday his resignation from the organization which awards the prestigious trophies.

Posted at 1:40 p.m.
Updated at 7:51 p.m.

Laurent Banguet
France Media Agency

“My actions during the ceremony of the 94and Oscars were shocking, painful and inexcusable,” Will Smith wrote in a statement.

“The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, everyone who was in the audience or at home” before the broadcast last Sunday, continues the actor 53 years old.

“I resign as a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and will accept any consequences the Board of Directors deems appropriate,” he said.

It was a joke by Chris Rock about the close-cropped hair of Jada Pinkett Smith, wife of Will Smith suffering from a disease causing severe hair loss, which sparked the scandal on Sunday evening.

Will Smith suddenly took the stage and slapped Chris Rock under the dumbfounded eyes of celebrities and viewers.

A few tens of minutes after the slap, he returned to the Oscars stage to receive the best actor award for his role in King Richard (The Williams Methodin French).

“I betrayed the trust of the Academy. I deprived other contestants and winners of the chance to celebrate their extraordinary work. I am heartbroken, ”he says in his text.

Professionalism of Chris Rock

In a letter to members of the Academy, the leaders said they were “outraged” by the incident, lamenting that the ceremony “was overshadowed by the unacceptable and harmful behavior of a contestant on stage”.

The board has initiated disciplinary proceedings against Will Smith.

It must meet on April 18 to decide on his case and decide on possible sanctions, leaving the actor at least 15 days to “be heard by means of a written response”.

Among the sanctions provided for by the organization’s internal regulations was suspension or expulsion from the Academy, which has nearly 10,000 members.

Voices were raised to demand that Will Smith be stripped of his Oscar, but others pointed out that neither Harvey Weinstein, a former Hollywood mogul convicted of rape and sexual assault, nor director Roman Polanski had been forced to return their statuette after being expelled from the Academy.

Oscar night producer Will Packer paid tribute to Chris Rock’s composure and professionalism which he says saved the Oscar night.

“It’s because Chris handled that moment with elegance and poise that we were able to continue the show,” Will Packer said Friday on ABC television.

After being slapped, the comedian had quickly chained, presenting as expected the trophy for best documentary. He then preferred to play appeasement, refusing to file a complaint against Will Smith, whom the police were ready to arrest for his gesture.

“It kind of allowed us to continue with the gala, which we wanted to do,” the producer said.

Chris Rock first spoke out about the incident Wednesday night, shortly after he took the stage for a show in Boston.

“I’m still digesting what happened. So at some point I’m going to talk about this stuff. And it will be serious and funny,” he said.

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