Violent gesture of Will Smith | Jada Pinkett Smith comes out of her silence with an enigmatic publication

(Los Angeles) Jada Pinkett Smith spoke on Instagram on Tuesday for the first time since her husband, Will Smith, slapped comedian Chris Rock on the Oscars stage, leaving a most cryptic message for his subscribers.

Posted at 3:29 p.m.

“It’s a season for healing and I’m here for it,” she wrote for any Instagram post.

No other words accompanied this sentence and the comments of the message were disabled.

This post follows Will Smith’s public apology to Chris Rock and the Oscar audience for his outburst of violence.

It was a joke by Chris Rock about the shaved head of Jada Pinkett Smith, suffering from alopecia – a disease causing significant hair loss, which she revealed to suffer from a few years ago – which had triggered the scandal.

Will Smith suddenly took the stage and slapped Chris Rock under the dumbfounded eyes of celebrities and viewers.

The 53-year-old actor yelled at her, “Leave my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!” once back in his chair.

“I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. What I did was inappropriate and I was wrong,” Will Smith wrote on his Instagram account on Monday.

“My behavior last night at the Oscars was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s health issue was too much for me and I reacted emotionally,” he explained, explicitly rejecting “any violence.”

The Academy of Oscars had recently announced the opening of an internal investigation into this incident, stressing that it condemned “the actions of Mr. Smith during the show last night”.

Chris Rock himself has not commented on the incident.

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