Violent gesture at the Oscars | The Academy reacts to the gesture of Will Smith

The Academy condemns the violent gesture of Will Smith towards the place of the comedian and host of the evening of the Oscars Chris Rock. The latter will not file a complaint against the actor, whose slap has been seen by millions of people live and has fueled many conversations since Sunday evening.

Posted at 10:41 a.m.

Marissa Groguhe

Marissa Groguhe
The Press

Unlike Will Smith’s six-minute speech when he was crowned best actor at the Oscars, The Academy’s position statement is very succinct for the moment. “The Academy does not tolerate any form of violence”, can we read on the Twitter account of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), organizer of the most prestigious evening of cinema.

No one is mentioned by name, but no need to specify that it is about the altercation between Will Smith and Chris Rock. In this moment so unlikely that many have long believed in a masquerade, Will Smith went on the stage of the Oscars where was the host of the evening Chris Rock to give him a violent blow in the face. Smith was reacting to a joke from Rock (improvised, according to the magazine variety) on the hair loss of his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. After returning to his seat, the actor shouted twice, “Keep my wife’s name out of your goddamn mouth,” as shock waves rippled through the room.

The specialized media do not seem to have received any further comments from the Academy so far. “Tonight, we are delighted to celebrate our 94are recipients of the Oscars who deserve this moment of recognition from their peers and moviegoers around the world, ”adds one in their single tweet echoed the event.

Always according to variety, comedian Chris Rock has refused to file a complaint against Will Smith. The Los Angeles Police Department said it was “aware of an incident between two people at the Oscars party.” “The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved declined to file a complaint with the police, a statement said. If the affected party wants a police report at a later date, the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) will be available to complete an investigation report. »

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