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The year 2021 was marked by the migrant crisis in Europe. This Thursday, December 30, clashes took place in Calais (Pas-de-Calais) between migrants and the police during the dismantling of a camp.
Thursday, December 30 in Calais (Pas-de-Calais), clashes took place between migrants and police during the dismantling of a camp. The expelled as well as associations filmed the scene with cellphones. The spirits heat up quickly and a first confrontation breaks out between the inhabitants of the camp and the police force. At least three migrants and 15 CRS were injured, including by throwing stones.
According to a police union, it was the migrants who attacked first and in a premeditated manner. “We have a colleague who has a broken tibia, there are those who have their backs blocked, we have a lot of open wounds with stitches. It’s not the little stone that we find on the floor. , that we throw away and then we leave. They had bags full of stones, it was premeditated “, reports Régis Debord, CR UNSA Police national delegate. This information is completely refuted by the migrant defense associations. For them, the situation worsened, because the migrants could not recover personal effects.