Violent check: St-Louis talks about a warning for Slafkovsky

SAINT PAUL | There was the reaction of the players and that of the head coach. David Savard and Nick Suzuki didn’t like Marco Rossi’s check against Juraj Slafkovsky late in the game.

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“At 4-1, it was not the time to do that, mentioned Savard. I found it flat. Slafkovsky was in a vulnerable position and the Wild already had the win in their pocket. »

“Juraj was in a dangerous place to get hit,” Suzuki said. He was just far enough from the tape. I don’t know if the door was open at the same time, but Slaf feels good. The guys reacted well after this blow. »

No, the door was not open to the visitors’ bench.

St-Louis had a calmer outlook on the game.

“Slaf was at the end of his presence, he was burned. He wanted to do well by joining the red line, he explained. Sometimes it’s better to protect yourself. I would have to look at different angles to see if it was something dangerous or not. When the guys are close to the boards, especially with the score… It’s not an easy league. »

stay alert

In St-Louis’ opinion, Slafkovsky should learn a lesson from this game. is just 5’9″ and stops the scales at 181 lbs.

“You have to be alert until the end, admitted the member of the Hockey Hall of Fame. It was an end of presence, an end of the match. It’s fast and there are a lot of guys who want to keep their position in the league. So they try to do it all and impress every time they’re on the ice. So you should never let your guard down because you can get caught. »

“It’s hard enough to move Slaf. But he was at the end of a presence, tired. He didn’t have the same strength. »

Slafkovsky didn’t suffer an injury in this game. That’s the positive aspect. The Slovak did not meet the journalists, but we met him in a corridor. He had the same smile as usual.

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