Violence in schools | “Why does it take so long to act? asks Marwah Rizqy

Liberal MP Marwah Rizqy says she is “exasperated” to see posters stressing that violence in schools is not tolerated, while incidents are increasing on the ground. “Why does it take so long to act, if we say it’s zero tolerance? she asks.

THURSDAY, The Press reported that the Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) intervened in an elementary school in Sainte-Marie, Beauce, because of violent behavior by students who put danger to personnel.

Marwah Rizqy is surprised that the CNESST writes in its report that for several months, the Beauce-Etchemin school service center did not follow up on this file, despite the violent events that occurred daily.

In this particular service centre, there were 979 acts of violence in 2020-2021.

“It is essential that there be follow-ups. If we do not correct, we are doomed to repeat the same cases, which means that there will be more acts of violence,” says Marwah Rizqy.

Violence in schools affects all of Quebec, she adds. “From east to west, it happens. Something has happened: there is a before and after a pandemic,” says the MP for Saint-Laurent, who calls for violence prevention to be made a “national cause.”

In January, the CNESST intervened in an elementary school in Gatineau, after a student in a special class threw an hourglass at the head of a teacher from the Center de services scolaire des Portages-de-l’Outaouais (CSSPO ).

“The school teams are less and less stable, there is a lot of staff turnover,” said the Liberal MP. “With people who are not qualified to manage crisis situations, it is certain that the number of incidents can only increase,” said Rizqy.

Marwah Rizqy urges Education Minister Bernard Drainville to “stabilize school teams” urgently. “There are negotiations at the moment, he can ask Sonia Lebel [la présidente du Conseil du trésor] to increase the number of permanent positions,” says Rizqy.

Students with behavioral problems especially need stable people around them, she adds.

Last March, Bernard Drainville declared that his government is working on a strategy to counter violence in schools.

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