violence during the funeral of the journalist killed




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During the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh, clashes took place between the Israeli security forces and the Palestinians, who accuse the army of having killed her.

The coffin was about to fall during the stampede between Israeli security forces in dark uniforms and the Palestinians. Friday, May 13, the White House says it is deeply disturbed by these images of violence. In the coffin, the remains of American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. She was working for the Arabic channel Al-Jazzera when she was shot last Wednesday. She covered clashes in Jenin (West Bank). His funeral in the early afternoon in East Jerusalem provokes clashes. In these images, the Israeli police pull the Palestinian flags from the hearse carrying the remains. For the Palestinians, it was the Israeli army that killed her.

The IDF says it is impossible to determine the origin of the deadly shot. They are thousands to accompany him to the Christian cemetery of Mount Sion, his last resting place. Funerals, while violence is daily in the West Bank. A few hours ago in Jenin, a house was destroyed after an Israeli raid. Earlier this morning, in a refugee camp in Jenin, assault rifle fire from Palestinian fighters was heard. They were trying to prevent an Israeli incursion. Unprecedented violence for years in the West Bank. Provisional assessment: an Israeli soldier killed and at least 13 Palestinians injured.

source site-24