Violence against doctors increased by almost 23% in 2022 compared to 2021

In 2022, 1,244 incidents were declared by doctors, a number never reached in the last twenty years, according to the report of the Observatory of the safety of doctors published this Tuesday by the national council of the Order of doctors and which reveals France Inter.

Violence against doctors increased by almost a quarter in 2022 compared to 2021 (23%), according to the report of the Observatory of the safety of doctors published this Tuesday by the national council of the Order of doctors and revealed by France Inter. In 2022, 1,244 incidents were declared by doctors, a number never reached in the last twenty years. In 2021, there were 1,009 reports of violence. By way of comparison, 638 incidents were recorded in 2003.

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Seven out of ten doctors (71%) who declared having been confronted with violence, verbal or physical, are general practitioners. In 2021, they represented 61% of declarations. Among specialists, psychiatrists are among the most affected (4%). They were 27 to say they were victims of violence in 2021. They are 46 in 2022. According to the observatory, it is the doctors in the city centers who are the most affected by this violence. 56% of incidents are recorded there, against 21% in rural areas and 19% in the suburbs.

Of the 1,244 declarations made in 2022, 405 incidents – i.e. 33% of the facts – are linked to a complaint relating to care. 249 incidents – ie 20% of incidents – are linked to refusals to prescribe a particular medication or work stoppage. 132 incidents (11%) concern the falsification of documents, prescriptions or certificates, 10% (118 declarations) a wait deemed excessive and 9% (108 declarations) thefts.

Finally, the balance sheet of the College of Physicians emphasizes that only 31% of incidents gave rise to a complaint from the doctor, 8% to a handrail. The other declarants did not answer the question concerning the follow-up given to the incident.

Violence “grossly underestimated”

In order not to trivialize this violence, it is absolutely necessary to file a complaint, according to Jean-Jacques Avrane, delegate to the Observatory for the safety of doctors. “Incidents and violence against caregivers are largely underestimated because we only have declared violence“, explains Jean-Jacques Avrane to France Inter. Today, very many doctors “do not dare to file a complaint because it is about their patients“, says the delegate. “They think they can fix things with kindness. But they are wrong, you have to file a complaint or file a handrail so as not to trivialize this violence.

The Ministry of Health takes this violence against caregivers very seriously. Last December, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, the Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, launched a mission whose first conclusions will be made in a few weeks.

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