Violence after the death of Nahel: has the peak passed?


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – J. Wittenberg

France Televisions

Tuesday July 4, Emmanuel Macron met the mayors affected by the violence for a few days. Journalist Jeff Wittenberg takes stock of the situation, live from the Élysée.

Emmanuel Macron met the mayors affected by the violence of the last few days, Tuesday July 4. Journalist Jeff Wittenberg takes stock of the situation, live from the Élysée. According to the Head of State, the peak of violence has passed. “The President of the Republic questioned himself earlier in front of the mayors: is the return to calm sustainable? he asked. I will be very careful for the days and weeks to come, he replied”says the journalist.

Emmanuel Macron expected on security

Since 6 p.m., a new situation update has been held at the Élysée Palace, with the sovereign ministers, that of the Economy and that of Territorial Cohesion. “Emmanuel Macron admitted to the mayors that he had been clumsy when he dismissed the conclusions of the Borloo plan for cities in 2018”, says the journalist. However, he now knows that it is on security that he is expected by the French, according to the polls.

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