Violence after Nahel’s death: for Marine Le Pen (RN), the riots “obviously” have a link with immigration


Video length: 17 mins.

France 2

Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally (RN) group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Thursday July 6.

The whole of France has been hit by riots since Nahel’s death. riots that have “obviously” a link with immigration, said Marine Le Pen, guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Thursday July 6. “We have to look reality in the face”added the president of the National Rally (RN) group to the National Assembly. “There is an ultra-majority of people who participated in these riots who are foreign or of foreign origin”she continued, seeing there “the problem of assimilation in our country”and qualifying this assimilation as“complete failure”.

“The criminal response is not there”

Returning to the sentences pronounced against certain rioters, Marine Le Pen estimated that “It does not solve the problem of judicial laxity, which, in our country, has gradually wreaked havoc because there is a feeling of impunity”. “The criminal response is not there”she hammered, before affirming that “up to 18, you can do absolutely anything you want, nothing ever happens to you”. Asked about lifting the minority excuse for young offenders, Marine Le Pen said she was in favor “under the circumstances we experienced”.

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