Vinci Autoroutes announces a freeze for most journeys of less than 50 kilometers

According to information from France Inter, the main routes affected by the price freeze are home-work round trips. Long journeys increase by 2% from February 1.

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Vinci Autoroutes will freeze the prices of most journeys of less than 50 kilometers on its motorway network, revealed France Inter on Monday, January 31, while tolls on the motorway networks will increase by around 2% from February 1, after a increase of 0.44% at the start of 2021, according to decrees published on Sunday in the Official Journal.

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Two-thirds of journeys of less than 50 kilometers are affected by the price freeze announced by Vinci Autoroutes. This concerns, for example, the Salon-de-Provence-Marseille, Villefranche-de-Lauragais-Toulouse or Dourdan-Paris journeys. These routes, which are the least expensive per unit but the most numerous, are very popular for home-to-work return trips.

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The longest journeys on the Vinci Autoroutes network will remain subject to price increases of 2% or more. For the leading motorway concessionaire in France, which has two million customers, the average national increase will be 2%. The toll rate change law, which provides for an annual increase, remains in force until the end of the current concession contracts, which will run from 2026 to 2032.

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