Vincent Queijo makes dark revelations about his relationship with his ex Rym Renom!

Friday September 29, 2023, Vincent Queijo and Rym Renom took their subscribers by surprise by announcing their breakup on social networks. After 4 years of relationship, the two reality TV candidates made the sad decision to end their story. A shock for their fans. “With a lump in my throat, trembling hands and above all the bitter taste of failure, I announce to you today the end of our story with Rym”wrote the father in particular under an adorable photo of him with his ex-wife.

And to continue: “In life I had two dreams… To be a father and to get married the second dream is today a failure but I will try to draw only the positive from these 4 years I promise you that I gave everything, put my guts on the table and my heart but in life sometimes two soul mates decide to take two different paths and you just have to know how to accept it, and remember that this love gives birth to two little wonders that must be protected forever, here is my only role now to be a better dad every day, to all I say thank you for supporting us through the highs and the lows but now we have to face reality and that I also think about myself and my well-being.”

Also see: Rym Renom separates from Vincent Queijo after 4 years of relationship and a new life in Bali: TikTok responsible?

“I will see Rym all my life…”

For her part, Rym Renom also shared a publication through which she explained the situation. On TikTok, however, Vincent Queijo wanted to say more. In a live organized as a duo with Raphaël Pépin, the star of
Secret Story 7
spoke at length about her breakup. Today I am no longer with Rym and I can say it, we will never get back together”, he revealed with a heavy heart. If he does not want to give his love story a second chance, the influencer does not want to remove the mother of his children from his life. On the contrary, he considers himself “related” to the latter for the rest of his life.

“You can’t do otherwise, you can’t do differently, even if you have all the will in the world. […] When you don’t have children you don’t see the person again and that’s cool, that’s it. That won’t happen there. I will see Rym all my life…” Touching confidences.


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