Vincent Queijo deprived of his daughter Alma and his wife for his birthday… but what is going on?

On January 16, Rym gave birth to her second child. Unfortunately, not everything went as planned since she had to give birth prematurely. Fortunately, she was able to count on the support of her husband. Silent for several days, it was Vincent Queijo who took the floor to take stock of the situation. “48 hours ago, there were small complications that led to the birth of my second child. It’s not easy, I have nothing else to say (…) I’m going to see every day in the hospital. My child was born prematurely, it happens to many, many children, I know. For all the people who try to cause harm (…) who want to sell information to bloggers (…) I have no strength for you now, I will take time to deal with these mean and vicious people when I have time but it is not cool to want to sell information on a high-risk pregnancy”he explained.

Fortunately, Rym and their daughter Alma are doing much better. The candidate of Moms and famous regularly give their news and is already thinking of everything she wants to do when she returns from the hospital. Moreover, she does not hesitate to share her feelings about this complicated situation on social networks as on one of her last posts where we could read: “I confess Alma that it’s very complicated for mum to be away from Maria-Valentina, I miss her terribly, but mum will always be there for you two because I love you so much… You are my greatest pride, I will give you all my love. I miss dad too, his smile, his smell… But soon we will all 4 be reunited forever, I promise”.

Unfortunately, this weekend will not be spent with the family. And for good reason, Vincent Queijo has just tested positive for COVID-19. This is what he announced in his Instagram story this Thursday, January 27, 2022. The problem? The former BFF of Raphael Pépin is supposed to blow out his 32 candles in three days. “It’s going to be great the birthday at home without seeing my wife and Alma”, he said sorry. Even if it will not be easy, the young dad can console himself by telling himself that the reunion can only be better and that this moment can be shared a little later with the three women in his life.

See also: Rym Renom and Vincent Queijo: shocking and sad announcement for their second baby…


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