Vincent Lagaf in a wheelchair after his terrible motorcycle accident, the host breaks the silence…

A few weeks ago, Vincent Lagaf announced terrible news to his fans on social networks. Indeed, the host of Bigdil explained that he had been the victim of a motorcycle accident. A tragedy that had led him to the hospital. Lying on a stretcher, the famous presenter had launched nonchalantly: “ Well hello everyone, people. Sunday evening, end of the day, nice trial ride and poum patapoum, crack. Broke the shit, I’ll let you know. »

Shortly after this declaration, he displayed the extent of the damage. Results ? A cast leg from top to bottom. ” Hello everyone people. How are you all doing ? Me, strangely, I feel broken… Are you surprised? Do not hesitate to answer, I will have time to read your comments. See you soon ! #TontonGaf #Hospital #BonDébutDeSemaine #VincentLagaf #FallaitPasTomber #ÇaVaÊtre Chiant #KiffTaLife. »

Since then, the 62-year-old daredevil had been discreet. But this Monday, April 4, 2022, Vincent Lagaf came back in force to give news on his condition to his community. And to the surprise of his subscribers, he appeared in a wheelchair. ” Many of you ask me for news, it makes me very happy. As you can see, I am somewhat immobilized but on the other hand, I am mobile. I have the ability to move at will. »

He also added: It’s been healing for fifteen days! They will soon remove the 25 staples on my ankle. I have fifteen days left and I am starting rehabilitation. So, it’s all right ! Thanks for worrying about me! I work on lots of projects “. A news that should delight his admirers. In a short time, they will have the opportunity to find Vincent Lagaf on RMC Découverte! For the moment, no date has yet been revealed, but there is no doubt that the star of the small screen will succeed in convincing viewers.


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