Vincent Delerm cash with his two sons: “Don’t be smart”

Interviewed by Female Version on the occasion of his twenty-year career, Vincent Delerm indicated that his profession and his family life were two very distinct things: “I didn’t bother them too much with my job and, very early on, I advised them not to be smart about it.he said. They went beyond my goals, because they are very secretive and very discreet.“The life of their father, they know it since they have already attended concerts, but there is no question of invading their daily lives with his piano and guitar tunes:”It doesn’t take up a lot of space, I don’t have any gold records at home, nothing that reminds me that I’m a singer, not even a microphone lying around.

Vincent Delerm prefers to let his children choose without pressure than to impose a career choice on them. In the meantime, the artist, also a painter and photographer, devotes himself to his own and to his 20 years of activity in song. At the end of the year, he will release a new album for the occasion, flying over his greatest titles to the sound of the piano alone: ​​”I take up about twenty of my melodies in solo piano, without singing, as if I were in the corner of a room during an evening and vaguely playing the themes of my songs. It will also be accompanied by another disc, like a storywith all pieces shelved for twenty years.“Even if he is supposed to receive some for this birthday, Vincent Delerm is ready for all the surprises to please his fans.

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