Village mutuals, “cheaper and closer to the inhabitants” according to the Catalan Mutual

Village mutuals are attracting more and more municipalities in the Pyrénées-Orientales. These partnerships concluded between municipalities and mutuals make it possible to offer retired, unemployed or self-employed residents cheaper mutual insurance contracts.

At least sixty municipalities in the Pyrénées-Orientales have already entered into a partnership with a mutual insurance company. This system, born a few years ago, now allows 6,000 members of the department to be covered by mutual insurance. “The interest is not only the priceexplained this Thursday morning the president of the Catalan mutualGerard Billes. It is also proximity. At Mutuelle Catalane, when you call us, you come directly to an advisor.

17 days before the first round of the presidential election, France Bleu Roussillon opened the debate on health on Thursday. The auditors could propose their solutions to improve the health system in France. Sabine, at La Cabanasse, proposes for example to use more alternative medicine.

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