vigilance against photosensitizing substances

It is summer and we are often exposed to the sun. And even if we are careful, we sometimes ignore photosensitizing substances.

Article written by

Adelaide Robert (60 million consumers) – franceinfo

French Radio


Reading time : 1 min.

The photosensitizing substances are substances that increase the sensitivity of the skin to radiation from the sun. There are foods, medicines, cosmetics but also photosensitizing plants. If you consume them before going out in the sun or if your skin comes into contact with them, it may overreact to the sun. That is, at best blush, at worst burning, and you may see small pimples appear or changes in pigmentation on exposed areas. This is why we advise you to be rather vigilant.

At the table, you have for example celery, lemon and parsnips which are photosensitizing: if you swallow a large bowl of celery broth or parsnip purée before going out in the sun, you risk coming back with a red and swollen face. . Certain plants, edible or not, can also be photosensitizing by contact: so no lemon juice on the skin, wipe your child’s mouth after he has taken his parsnip puree, rinse your hands if you have touched fennel and do not cut the stem of giant hogweed (known as giant hogweed) with your bare hands, its sap will burn your skin.

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On the cosmetic side, be careful with perfumes: you must spray your clothes and not your skin or choose a non-sensitizing perfume. And watch out for creams that contain retinol (an ingredient present in some anti-wrinkles) or citrus or vanilla essential oils. Reread the conditions of use carefully: if it is written to apply it in the evening or not to expose yourself to the sun, these are not simple tips for use but a real warning. On the medication side, there are also photosensitizing skin products such as Peruvian balsam or ketoprofen or acne creams. But also drugs taken orally: certain antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-acne, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory… The list is long! Here too, we advise you to read the instructions carefully. And in any case to protect yourself well from the sun.

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