View cities where heat records were broken today

The first provisional data published by Météo France on Monday show a wave of temperature records on the Atlantic coast of France.

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The hottest day of the summer is also that of all records in the West of France. The thermometer has reached levels never seen so far on the Atlantic coast, according to first provisional data published by Météo France for a sample of ten cities. All of these records are shown on the interactive map below.

“Seeing absolute records beaten in such a large number of cities and resorts, sometimes very widely, is an exceptional phenomenon”, notes Matthieu Sorel, climatologist at Météo France, interviewed by franceinfo. Among the territories where the thermometer has climbed the most is Brittany. The measurements stopped Monday at 5 p.m. report 39.3°C in Brest in Finistère, that is more than 4 degrees above the previous record which dated July 12, 1949. Further south, in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), the thermometer reached 42°C. These records sometimes relate to weather stations more than a century old, such as that of Cazaux opened in 1921, at the beginning of the last century.

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However, this heat stroke is only temporary. From Tuesday, temperatures should drop by 15 to 20 degrees according to Météo France forecasts for the western part of the country. At the same time, the heat wave must move towards the East and Ile-de-France where the thermometers must still climb during the day on Tuesday. But Météo France does not expect so many new temperature records in these regions where historic records had already been broken during the heat waves of June and July 2019.

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