VIDEO. Women accusing Patrick Poivre d’Arvor of sexual violence explain to “C politique” why they spoke




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Four women, who testified in the newspaper “Liberation”, explained their approach on the set of France 5.

They testify for “do their duty as citizens, to alert”. Emmanuelle Dancourt, Cécile Delarue, Hélène Devynck and Muriel Reus are among the 22 women who were heard as part of the investigation into the accusations of sexual violence weighing against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, closed in June. Guests of the show “C politique” of France 5, Sunday November 14, they explained why they decided to speak in front of the investigators then in the columns of the newspaper Release, years after the fact.

They notably told how the intervention of “PPDA” in the program “Quotidien” of TMC, in March, pushed them to contact the investigator in charge of the file. “The whole show was chilling for me. (…) He explained that the women who accused him of rape were liars, cowards, since they were anonymous, said former journalist Hélène Devynck, who herself says she was a victim of rape. The day after this broadcast, I contacted the investigator and I went to testify. “

The statements of the former presenter of the TF1 JT also had the effect of a “slap” to journalist Emmanuelle Dancourt, who accuses her of sexual assault. “When he started talking about anonymity, [à dire] ‘no one came to see me eye to eye’… I said to myself ‘it’s not possible, we can’t let that go, ‘she said. Eye to eye, I didn’t know what shape it was going to take. But I knew that since an investigation was open, it had to go through this first. “

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