VIDEO. White roofs to fight the heat


Video length: 5 min.


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Lowering the temperature of roofs by half is what the Breton company Cool Roof France is offering thanks to a white paint, made from oyster shells. Brut went to meet him.

After the white houses in Santorini, here are the white roofs in France: this is the challenge that the company Cool Roof France gave itself by painting the roofs of supermarkets. This strategy thus avoids overheating of buildings and therefore limits air conditioning and greenhouse gases. “Here, we are at 40 degrees, If I start to take on white. Here I am at 20°C”, says Julien from Cool Roof France.

Bituminous, responsible for overheating of buildings

As Julien points out, bituminous represents 70% of the tertiary roofing market in France, which thus causes buildings to overheat inside. Therefore, from 30°C, the roofs of some supermarkets, such as that of Jeremy Rocheteau, director of a shopping center in Gonesse, were watered every day during the summer to prevent the building from overheating and breaking. of the cold chain. But following the heat wave last summer, this director decided to call on the company.

For this technique, the limestone fillers are replaced by oyster shells. “There are 130,000 tons per year that are consumed. So we only need a few tons”, adds Julien. The company, in addition to returning the sun’s rays, makes it possible to better understand the thermal management of a building. “Just remember that with the prices we apply today, 20 to 30 euros per square meter, supplied, installed, when we look at the gains on air conditioning or the gains we can have in terms of interior comfort, we manage to have returns on investment of the order of 2 to 5 years”, ends Julien.

source site-29