VIDEO. What is the “pink tax”, this marketing technique considered sexist?



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“Do you know what the pink tax is? There, for the same product, there is one that is marketed blue for men, one that is marketed pink for women. And we will find a difference of €0.30.” The pink tax is a commercial technique implemented by certain brands which consists of increasing the price of products intended for women. For Brut, Auriane, co-founder of the Pépite sexiste association, explains the phenomenon.

Frequently used by brands, the pink tax is to slightly increase the price of items aimed at women. From razors to deodorants, many products are affected by this price difference. With her association Pépite sexiste, Auriane denounces these practices on social networks.

Blue and a sleek design for boys, pink and drawn flowers for girls… This is often enough for brands to make a price difference. By applying the pink tax, many of them increase the price of their women’s items. These razors that we will find in the men’s section, marketed for men, they are at €11.90, exactly the same as we will find in the women’s section. Roses, marketed for women, they will be at €13.19, or about €1.30 difference.“According to the young woman, this price difference between the two products”is not justified at all”.

With its sexist Pépite association, Auriane denounces this kind of marketing adopted by brands. “Examples of pink taxes, we have plenty, we receive them almost every day on social networks. For example, the latest is a kit. It is green for boys, but it is clearly stated “Boy” on the label, and pink for girls. And there is a difference of €0.10.“Even if at the time, this price difference may seem ridiculous,”the accumulation is huge at the end of the month”, specifies the young woman.

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