VIDEO. What are the most anticipated films of the Cannes Film Festival 2022?

Before the opening ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival, Jacky Bornet, film journalist at franceinfo culture, answered your questions about the programming and the challenges of this 2022 edition, in a live broadcast hosted by Cédric Cousseau.

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Kick off for the 75th Cannes Film Festival! Actress Virginie Efira, mistress of ceremonies, will open this 2022 edition and present the jury and the 21 films in official competition, from 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday May 17. Three French films are part of the selection: Stars at Noon by Claire Denis The Almond Trees by Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi and Brother and sister by Arnaud Desplechin.

Before the out-of-competition screening of the film Cut! by Michel Hazanavicius at the opening and the first films of the official selection on Wednesday, Jacky Bornet, film journalist at franceinfo culture and special correspondent in Cannes, answered your questions about the Festival’s programming.

What are the most anticipated feature films? What topical themes will be discussed during the fortnight and which personalities will shine before the Palme d’or is awarded on Saturday May 28? Find the answers of our journalist in our live Facebook, hosted by Cédric Cousseau.

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