VIDEO. “We need a debate in school on artificial intelligence”


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Laurence Devillers, specialist in human-machine interactions, judges in the Talk franceinfo that “all these subjects of private data, attention taken, manipulation, must be discussed from cycle 1, where we learn the fundamentals.”

“It is absolutely necessary that at school, pupils and teachers learn to debate around artificial intelligence”, believes Laurence Devillers, specialist in human-computer interactions, professor of computer science at Paris-Sorbonne University, guest of Talk franceinfo on Twitch, Monday February 6. The ChatGPT conversational robot, which has been very popular since the end of November 2022, answers most questions. So much so that he can even write a decent essay, enough to arouse some interest among students. Thus, the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) of Paris announced to prohibit the use of ChatGPT to its students, “under penalty of exclusion”.

>> REPLAY. Will AI replace us? The Franceinfo Talk debate

For the Paris IEP, the only exception to its use would be “a pedagogical use supervised by a teacher”. The director of the establishment announced the forthcoming publication of“a note on the subject”as well as a “conference on teaching and research of the future, in an ecosystem where AI is taking an increasingly important place”. “The children of tomorrow will create other machines which will have other capacitiesbelieves Laurence Devillers, and really it is absolutely necessary that at school, it is not the training of teachers that will take time, it really has to be a direct, agile transition.

“All these subjects of private data, attention taken, manipulation, must be discussed from cycle 1, where we learn the fundamentalssays the specialist. It is an interdisciplinary subject which is not tech, not philosophy, which is both. And which also joins the idea that: life sciences or physical sciences, that’s what we experience in reality, data and digital sciences, it’s something that we must see at the same time.”

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