VIDEO. “We hope that Ukraine will be part of the future of Europe”, says Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister

“We hope that Ukraine will be part of the future of Europe”said Olha Stefanishyna, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European integration and Euro-Atlantic relations, on Tuesday May 24 on franceinfo, as Ukraine enters its fourth month of war with Russia. “Total War” which now focuses on the Donbass and the south of the territory. “Mariupol is Ukraine, it is a Ukrainian city which is under temporary Russian occupation. The Donbass is the part of Ukraine which is under occupation”insisted Olha Stefanishyna.

>> After three months of war in Ukraine, what scenarios are envisaged for the weeks to come?

The Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister who also called on her nationals to be careful in their desire to return home. “We are not safe yet. Every Ukrainian city can be hit by missile fire“, she said.

franceinfo: the European Union must decide at the end of June on Ukraine’s application for membership. A horizon of 15 to 20 years to enter the European Union, is this an acceptable timeframe?

Olha Stefanishyn: the decision to grant this status as a candidate country would be a guarantee for security in Europe and the whole region. It should be taken very soon. Then, the accession procedure is not simple, it takes time, but after the European Council of June 16, we will be able to refocus on the problems of reconstruction of Ukraine and in this reconstruction, we hope that the Ukraine will be part of Europe’s future.

Can the current situation lead to progress in the peace negotiations?

We must all understand that currently in Ukraine there is an all-out war, a full-scale war. From the first day of this war, Ukraine said it was ready for negotiations with the aim of stopping it and that there would be no others in the future. But this negotiation cannot be compromised by losses of territories.

“Mariupol is Ukraine, it is a Ukrainian city which is under temporary Russian occupation. The Donbass is the part of Ukraine which is under occupation.”

Olha Stefanishyna, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister

at franceinfo

Is Ukraine getting enough weapons?

What is important for Ukraine today is to receive weapons in a coordinated manner according to needs and delivery schedules. Weapons are not enough considering that the Russian Federation uses all kinds of weapons against Ukraine and its action is very destructive. All weapons, apart from nuclear weapons, have already been used by the Russian Federation on Ukrainian territory, and it should be noted that in the Donbass and in the South, Russia can deliver weapons, directly, and in quantities not limited.

Do you think President Emmanuel Macron should go to Ukraine?

President Emmanuel Macron is a great friend of Ukraine. All of Ukraine rejoiced at his re-election and we really hope he finds the time in his schedule to get there. It would be very important for the Ukrainian nation.

“France has become a leader in a large number of decisions and processes, in terms of humanitarian deliveries and in terms of military equipment.”

Olha Stefanishyna, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister

at franceinfo

Even if, compared to other States, France gives less in quantitative numbers, it has a consistent support policy and we are really counting on the support of France. Furthermore, we understand that today France is playing a key role with regard to the policy of sanctions against Russia.

What do you say to Ukrainians who are in France?

First of all, I would like to thank all the French citizens who responded to the call. Thank you for the warmth of your welcome and your solidarity. Most Ukrainians want to return to Ukraine as soon as possible, but today I am issuing a message of caution. The war is not over and full-scale war is still possible throughout Ukraine. We are not safe yet. Every Ukrainian city can be hit by missile fire.

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