Video War between Hamas and Israel: a history and geography professor says he was “struck” by the terrorists’ “feeling of enjoyment” in the images of October 7



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War between Hamas and Israel: a history and geography professor says he was “struck” by the terrorists’ “feeling of enjoyment” when viewing the images of October 7

Iannis Roder, associate professor of history and geography, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday November 14. – (France 2)

Iannis Roder, associate professor of history and geography, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday November 14.

Iannis Roder is an associate professor of history and geography in the priority education zone in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). On Monday, November 13, he saw the film of the Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7, which French deputies will watch on Tuesday. “It’s a very difficult film, a sequence of images of extreme violence”indicated Iannis Roder in “4 Vérités” on France 2.

The associate professor of history and geography added that he had been “struck” by “the feeling of enjoyment which appears very clearly on the screen on the faces of the terrorists”but also by “the vocabulary used”. “We don’t hear them talking about Israelis, we hear them talking about Jews and settlers”he clarified. “We are really in a totally ideologized vision of taking action”noted Iannis Roder.

“We are in a deadly ideology”

Asked about the need to show these images to MPs, the professor said: “I think it’s necessary.” “What is important, more than the image it seems to me, is what we understand about the motivations of the assassins. We are in a deadly ideology, an ideology which aims at complete destruction, at total erasure”he said, adding that we see in these images Hamas terrorists setting fire to houses, but also burned bodies. “It’s absolutely abominable.”he lamented.

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