VIDEO. Visit the United Palace, the theater that hosts the Tribeca Festival


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The 2022 Tribeca Festival is happening at the United Palace. Located in the streets of New York, this historic theater has escaped demolition several times. Here is his story.

In the 1930s, the United Palace welcomed New Yorkers who came to relax for a day. Today, the historic site hosts the 2022 Tribeca Film Festival.

“Before, people came, they saw a feature film, soap operas, news, and this whole day of entertainment cost 25 cents. People loved coming to enjoy the air conditioning”.

In the 1960s, when multiplexes emerged, cinemas like the United Palace were threatened with demolition. But in 1969, following the screening of “2001, a Space Odyssey”, by Stanley Kubrick, a pastor named Reverend Ike decided to buy the place.

“We were saved in the 1960s, we became the United Palace and, finally, in 2016, we were classified as a historical monument. No one can buy this place and turn it into a parking lot or a casino.”

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