VIDEO. Virility, the main cause of insecurity according to Lucile Peytavin



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Insecurity is a theme systematically mentioned in each presidential campaign. But for historian Lucile Peytavin, we forget the real cause of it: virile behavior. Decryption.

90% of those sentenced are men.”

While insecurity is an unavoidable theme of all presidential campaigns, historian Lucile Peytavin believes that it is urgent to designate the real cause of insecurity: virility. “The angle of sex is never taken into account, whereas it is men, in the vast majority of cases, who commit these acts of insecurity“, she explains.

She recalls that according to official figures from the Ministries of Justice and the Interior, “80% of those questioned by the courts are men, 90% of those sentenced by the courts are men, the prison population, today in France, is 96.3% male.” For the historian, the causes of the “asocial” behavior of men today “are clearly identified by the natural or social sciences“and are not”the fruit of an alleged masculine nature that would push men to behave this way“. It thus calls into question the educational patterns transmitted to men “that encourage them to have behaviors of domination by physical and moral force.”

According to Lucile Peytavin, it is upstream that we must act by changing the education and the values ​​transmitted, in particular to boys. Indeed, the law of the strongest must no longer be the norm. “It is absolutely necessary to transmit a more humanistic education to boys, which promotes altruism, empathy, respect for the rules, all of which we are already doing much more with girls“, believes the historian. Concretely, she proposes that the pupils, in the school environment, be made aware of the questions of male domination, on the questions of consent, of the relationship of domination between the boys themselves, “in order to deconstruct, as early as possible, with children, all these patterns that are extremely harmful to their development and to society.”

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