VIDEO. Vaccine pass, Omicron, vaccination … Olivier Véran answers Brut’s questions

When is the end of the health pass?

“Not for now,” replies the Minister of Health. According to him, it is a tool which allows “avoid closing bars, restaurants, museums, cinemas, like what other European countries are doing around us, because it protects us, because it allows us to be able to frequent these places without risking contamination“. Olivier Véran also announced the transformation of the health pass into a vaccination pass.”From now on, only people who are fully vaccinated will be able to go to these places, there will no longer be the exemption of the test of less than 24 hours.“, develops the minister.

What is the difference between the health pass and the vaccination pass?

The vaccination pass is one way to achieve the vaccination obligation, but I think it is more effective than issuing a fine“, considers Olivier Véran.

What do we know about the Omicron variant?

The Omicron variant is extremely contagious compared to other variants. “It multiplies 70 times faster in our cells, it doubles in the number of patients every two to three days, whereas it was every 10, 12 days for the Delta variant.“, specifies Olivier Véran. For example, from one week to another, we can go from 10,000 cases on a Monday to 40,000 cases the following Monday, and so on. The Minister of Health adds that Omicron is however susceptible to the vaccine: “Cis why we are boosting, we are putting the package on vaccination. “Indeed, the vaccine would greatly reduce the number of serious cases.

What is the point of being vaccinated when you are in good health?

At first, Olivier Véran advocates protection, including people in good health. Covid-19 can seriously affect young people without commorbidities, although this is rare. Finally, the collective’s argument is also supported by the Minister. “If you are vaccinated, you are less likely to infect your parents, your grandparents and their friends, your aunts, your uncles, your coworkers who are more fragile than you.“, he explains.

Will there be specific measures for the end of year celebrations?

There will be no fireworks, no New Year’s pot, there will be no sale of alcohol or food on public roads to avoid major events“, warns the minister.

Why close discotheques in particular?

In nightclubs, these are places where we cannot keep the mask on, where we sweat, where we will talk, a lot, drink, dance, sweat, and therefore these are contexts that are very conducive to the spread of the virus and like the variant, it is extremely contagious, even if there is a health pass, we know that there are people who pass between the drops and we have recorded a lot of clusters in festive events“, estimates the minister.

Will there be a health pass for schools?

The Minister of Health assures that there will be no health pass for schools.

How many doses of vaccine are we going to have to receive?

Three, replies the minister before adding that other booster doses are not excluded in the coming months.

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