Video. Ukrainian refugees “can be welcomed in France” because their country “is at the gates of the EU”, says Jordan Bardella

“I think that Ukrainian families who are under bombardment, who are fleeing the fighting and whose husbands have remained fighting can, in strict compliance with the right of asylum and the Geneva Convention, be welcomed in France, during the conflict, so that we can protect them”, said the president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, Monday March 7 on franceinfo.

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According to the president of the National Rally, “it’s a geographical and civilizational question”. Ukraine “is at the gates of Europe” and “if European solidarity has a meaning, then it is expressed first with regard to the European continent”he estimated.

For this reason, he does not want the same treatment to be accorded “to Syrians or Libyans fleeing conflicts”. “Home” of these refugees “can be done in Arab-Muslim countries which culturally and geographically are much closer”he insisted, even if as the crow flies Tripoli, the capital of Libya, is less far from Paris than Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. “It’s true that some districts of Paris look more like Tripoli than Kiev”he launched.

To hear it, this difference in treatment “is also a matter of security”. “Sorry for not having wished to welcome refugees from Syria, Libya or other countries when these channels were used by Daesh to infiltrate terrorists, because those who had this angelism, it ended at the Bataclan”did he declare.

If he pleads for the reception of Ukrainian refugees, Jordan Bardella would not however be ready to welcome them into his home. “My apartment is quite small, but I think that [l’accueil de ces réfugiés] can obviously be done in reception structures”he eluded.

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