The first twin weighed 180 grams and the second 140 grams. “The mother and twin pandas are in good health,” a zoo representative said in a statement.
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An exceptional birth. Everland Amusement Park Zoo in South Korea announced the birth of twin giant pandas on Tuesday (July 11th). The first twin weighed 180 grams and the second 140 grams, the zoo said. “Mother and twin pandas are healthy”a zoo representative said in a statement.
The video, uploaded on Tuesday, shows the mother, Ai Bao, in labor, rolling around in her cage before giving birth to two tiny pandas. Ai Bao gave birth in July 2020 to Fu Bao, the first giant panda born in South Korea by natural reproduction. Ai Bao and Le Bao, the father, arrived in South Korea in 2016 as official gifts from Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Outside of China, only about twenty zoological parks have these herbivorous plantigrades, symbols of Beijing’s diplomatic friendships. Beijing lends pandas to foreign zoos, which generally have to send their potential offspring to China within a few years of their birth, in order to integrate them into the country’s breeding program.