[VIDÉO] Tour de France: thumbtacks thrown on the track during the race

Several cyclists of the prestigious Tour de France were victims of suspicious punctures on Sunday while metal pins were found lodged in their tires.

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“Thank you for this kind of human bullshit. I don’t think I was the only victim of a puncture in the final. Know that you can fall and hurt yourself very badly with your bullshit bunch of morons”, hammered one of the cyclists of the TotalEnergies team, Lilian Calmejane.

In a video shared on his Twitter account, we can see the front wheel of the bike perforated with five metal thumbtacks, visibly thrown on the track before the passage of the peloton between Vitoria-Gasteiz and San Sebastian, in Spain, France Live reported on Monday .

But according to the cyclist, at least seven riders suffered similar punctures during the passage.

“You should know that the spectators threw thumbtacks, we were quite impacted, we had to change seven runners. The only one who has not punctured is Victor Lafay, and he wins, ”he would have told the microphone of RMC Sports, according to the French media.

Fortunately, this would not have prevented the cyclist from crossing the finish line without problems, after having covered ten kilometers on his damaged wheel.

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