VIDEO. Tornadoes in the United States: “an unimaginable tragedy”, says Joe Biden



France 2

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In the United States, concern grows over the hours. What will be the final results after the passage of extremely violent tornadoes in several states on the evening of Friday, December 10? President Biden has already referred to an “unimaginable tragedy”.

Between 20 and 30 tornadoes struck, almost at the same time, Friday, December 10, several American states, over an area at least as large as the whole of France. An unimaginable tragedy“in the words of Joe Biden, whose epicenter appears to be the city of Mayfield, in Kentucky (United States). The devastated city of 10,000 inhabitants appears to have been bombed.

This is just one example among many:he Palais de Justice has lost its roof and its tower. The authorities say dozens of victims, particularly in a candle-making factory, which was completely destroyed. Just after the tornado hit, an employee filmed herself in the rubble to call for help on social media. If she was ultimately rescued, the fate of some of her colleagues remains unknown. The strongest of all tornadoes recorded yesterday traveled 300 km.


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