VIDEO. Tok Tok: my neighbors the migrants

In the port of Calais, at the time of this filming for “Special Envoy”, you could still see the remains of the rubber dinghy in which they were trying to cross the Channel. On Wednesday 24 November, 27 migrants were killed trying to reach England.

“Very sad, very violent, very shocking” : right in front of the quay, at the café The Marinerie, Charles does not hide his emotion. This volunteer rescuer took part in the operations which made it possible to recover six bodies. There was that of a pregnant woman and a young man of about 18 …

Arriving in the city center, the team is struck by the number of young men with rucksacks and blankets on the sidewalk. Like Ahmed, who is from Ghana. He hesitates to take a boat to England. He’s been there for seven years …

A camp has just been razed, a trench has even been dug

Direction, then, the periphery: it is here, in a storage area, that the migrants wait to try to slip in a truck bound for Great Britain – even if it means hiding under the trailer.

A kilometer away, the camp from which they came was razed two weeks before the shooting, following complaints from residents. A trench was even dug to prevent vans from bringing supplies. In a neighboring house, a Calaisienne does not understand those who accuse migrants of causing “disorder, incivilities”. She received journalists with the same hospitality as she had greeted Sarbaz, who came from Afghanistan, for four months. In the neighborhood, it is the only …

A report by Arnaud Muller, Elie Dupont, Anaïs Fleurent and Loïc Blondeau, broadcast in “Special Envoy” on December 2, 2021.

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