VIDEO. This day when the Covid entered our lives



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It was 2 years ago. A new virus appeared in China …

the January 18, 2020, the French television news spoke of the Covid-19 for the first time, “a mysterious virus from the same family as SARS“which, by that time, had already infected, according to Chinese authorities, 45 people in the country,”a much larger figure according to scientists“. Two days later, China confirms that the virus is transmitted from person to person. Very quickly, in France, posters appear in airports:”For people returning from China, in case of fever and cough, it is recommended to wear a mask and immediately contact the Samu. “

the 23 january 2020, images showing millions of residents in quarantine in China are touring the world. “The Chinese authorities cordoned off three cities this morning including Wuhan, the center of the pneumonia epidemic which killed 18 people and more than 634 patients in China, the inhabitants can no longer leave without exceptional authorization“, could one hear on the television news of 8 pm, on France 2. Roads blocked, Wuhan under bell, the whole world is then in apnea vis-a-vis these unpublished images.

the January 24, 2020, a first case of Covid-19 is detected on French territory, at the Bordeaux University Hospital. And then, the rest …


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