VIDEO. These two artists combine classical music and rap


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“Ennobling rap through classical music” and “refreshing classical music through rap” is the objective that these two artists have set themselves. Brut followed Dooz Kawa and Vincent-Beer-Demander for their first collaboration together.

Dooz Kawa star is artist and rapper. Vincent Beer-Demander is a musician and mandolin teacher at the Marseille Conservatory. Together, they mix classical music and rap for a new track.

“There is no boundary between musical aesthetics, in fact. We can link them without any problem, you just need the smugglers who do it.”

Mixing rap with classical music is possible. This is the challenge taken up by Dooz Kawa and Vincent-Beer Ask, two artists from very different worlds. Brut followed them on the occasion of their first track.

I entered this universe a little timidly, complexed by the fact of never having studied music, of never having been able to approach an instrument when I dreamed of it. I had never taken singing lessons”, confides the rapper.

By mixing two opposing styles of music, the two artists give themselves a major challenge. “It’s a universe in which, at the beginning, I thought I wouldn’t find myself too much and then finally, even if we don’t always use the same words, we understand each other very well”explains Vincent-beer Ask.

The musician says he accepted this collaboration only because it was Dooz Kawa. “I absolutely would not have accepted if I had not found that Dooz had something rich in terms of poetry, also in terms of music.”

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