VIDEO. These “Dossiers du Rocher” which accuse the entourage of the Prince of Monaco

It all started a year and a half ago, when “Complément d’Enquête” received an email signed “Les Dossiers du Rocher”. The source, anonymous, claims to have confidential documents on the direct entourage of Prince Albert II. What do they really contain?

Under the table of a brasserie, a rucksack with the contents advertised as “explosive” : abandoned for Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme, it contains hundreds of pages. “It was the Rock Files.” The daily investigative tandem World recounts in this extract from the document “The crow that makes Monaco tremble”, broadcast in “Complement of the investigation” on May 11, 2023, this brief interview with a source “a little scared”which immediately disappears.

What challenges in these “Dossiers du Rocher”, explains Gérard Davet, is that they are “too well presented”, on the contrary of “clutter” usual for investigative journalists. Those are “classified by shirt, by real estate transaction, by character, etc. So we say to ourselves that obviously, there is a desire to instrumentalize journalists”.

Hacked emails, insulting videos, murderous articles…

West France, The Parisian or the Mediapart site also receive documents from the “crow” of Monaco: for the most part, hacked e-mails. They cover ten years of correspondence between four men of influence on the Rock. Among them, innocent invitations to dinner, but also confidential notes or intrigues to place relatives in the palace… Their authors, who filed a complaint for violation of the secrecy of correspondence, do not deny their authenticity. On the other hand, several bank documents present in these Dossiers du Rocher would be doubtful, even bogus.

At the same time as this “canvassing” of the editorial staff, the crow led a campaign aimed at the general public. A website hosted in the United States publishes insulting videos about the men around the prince. One is accused of being a schemer, the other a spook, the third a ripou. Social networks have not been forgotten, with murderous articles signed by fictitious journalists.

In the sights of the “raven”: a “club of four” accused of corruption

On the site, these accusing lines: “A handful of high-ranking people have succeeded in installing in Monaco a veritable network of corruption extending to the top of the state, abusing the power conferred on them by their functions.”

These “highly placed people” that the “raven” holds in its viewfinder are Thierry Lacoste, the childhood friend of Prince Albert II; Laurent Anselmi, his right arm; Didier Linotte, the supreme judge of the court of Monaco; Claude Palmero, the administrator of the prince’s property. “These people, summarizes Gérard Davet, are accused in the ‘Dossiers du Rocher’ of having created a kind of sanitary cordon around Prince Albert to distribute important posts, and also, to earn money on real estate transactions taking place in Monaco.” Charges that the interested parties formally contest…

Excerpt from “The crow that makes Monaco tremble”, a document to see in “Complément d’Enquête” on May 11, 2023.

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