VIDEO. These American strippers are fighting for a union


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“I’m happy to set this example for all strippers, and hope it will spark a wave.” The strippers of the Star Garden in Los Angeles want to form a union to secure their discipline. And if they succeed, their club will become the only one in the United States to be unionized.

We don’t ask for much. We demand the same rights, the same dignity, the same respect and the same security as anyone else.“For many weeks, these employees have been picketing outside their club and fighting for more rights. Brut followed them.

After my dismissal, it was the turn of another dancer, also for security and privacy issues. She was fired because she intervened when she saw a client filming another dancer on stage, topless, without her consent.“While two dancers were fired for expressing concerns about the safety of their discipline, Star Garden employees have also decided to demand better working conditions.

We weren’t allowed to go to security if we needed help. We were told that the process was to go to the manager, to go to the manager first if we had a security problem on the dancefloor, during a dance”, explains one of the young women. On March 18, 2022, eight Star Garden dancers presented a petition to the club owner. Signed by 15 dancers in total, all were banned from access the day after their claims.

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