VIDEO. These activists want to challenge Total on its own ground



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“Total doesn’t care about you!” More than a hundred activists from environmental NGOs prevented the shareholders of TotalEnergies from accessing the general meeting of the French oil group. Brut followed what happened.

“We want the immediate withdrawal of Total in Russia and the cessation of all financing of fossil projects, because despite its greenwashing, Total continues to finance projects responsible for global warming”explains Maïder, an activist at Alternatiba.

On May 25, several environmental NGOs gathered in front of the general assembly of the Total group in Paris, for a demonstration against the company’s future projects.

“It’s a company that, for the most part, continues to profit from the destruction of life”regrets Marie Cohuet, spokesperson for Alternatiba.

“Look very concretely at the project in Uganda. Where is the money going? More than 60% goes directly into the pockets of Total”regrets Camille Etienne, another activist.

The activists gathered in Paris are demanding the withdrawal of TotalEnergies from Russia and the halting of the Eacop project, aimed at building the largest heated pipeline in the world in Uganda and Tanzania.

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