VIDEO. “There is no clash, there is discussion” with Olivier Véran, assures Jean-Michel Blanquer



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The Minister of National Education returned to the “clash” which opposed him to Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, on the sidelines of the Council of Ministers.

With Olivier Véran, “there is no clash, there is discussion”, said Jean-Michel Blanquer on Friday January 14 on franceinfo. A tough exchange took place between the Minister of Education and the Minister of Health before the Council of Ministers on Wednesday morning. Jean-Michel Blanquer criticized in particular the lack of solidarity of the Minister of Health towards him.

>> Mea culpa, 8,000 reinforcement personnel, distribution of FFP2 masks … 8:30 a.m. franceinfo by Jean-Michel Blanquer

Jean-Michel Blanquer was considered by his close guard to be a “scapegoat” of the Covid-19 situation at school. A meeting between the government and the unions took place on Thursday evening following the strong mobilization of teachers against the “mess” health protocols in place. For the Minister of Education, “It was extremely interesting to hear the Minister of Health clearly explain this process” during a meeting. “It is true that media immediacy does not always allow everything to be explained as it should be”, he regretted.

Jean-Michel Blanquer assures him, communication is not broken with Olivier Véran. “Health and Education, we have been talking to each other since the start of the crisis, that’s even how we managed to keep the schools open”, says Jean-Michel Blanquer. For the Minister of Education, “It is normal that we have different points of view on several occasions, we have always settled them with great cordiality.”

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