VIDEO. The truth about Philippe Katerine

His first name means “who loves horses”

Philippe Katerine : True. Phile, who loves. Hip, hip, horse racing, racetrack, who loves horses, indeed.

Neymar never came to the neighbors’ party. True or false ?

Philippe Katerine : True. He was my neighbor. I could see it from my window. What moved me a lot, of course, was seeing him come back from work. I saw him put down his bag, sometimes sadly, after a defeat, sometimes gloriously.

He will have a roundabout in his name

Philippe Katerine : False. That is to say, I was born in Thouars. The government of Thouars proposed to me to baptize a roundabout with my name. And then afterwards, the idea evaporated a little because part of the government of Thouars did not want. Me, I did not have a crazy ambition to give my name to a roundabout, even if I respect the roundabouts a lot.

He wrote a song for Rihanna

Philippe Katerine : True, I sometimes compose songs for others, that is to say for Rihanna, for Kanye West …

A pig saved his life

Philippe Katerine : True. I had heart surgery when I was 8 years old. I had a hole in my heart and they replaced it with pigskin which is the most compatible with the human body.

He only wears clothes that have already been worn

Philippe Katerine : False. If I’m being honest, not all of the clothes I wear have been worn.

He prefers his Caesar to his Victoire de la Musique

Philippe Katerine : Completely false. Both suit me very well. One is a weapon, the other is not. The Caesar weighs around 3.5kg, well, I mean he’s an infant. The Victory of Music weighs a few grams.

He did a song on Marine Le Pen

Philippe Katerine : True. I did a song on Marine Le Pen. It’s a very ugly song but I think it’s necessary to do it sometimes too.

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