VIDEO. The “school of the future” that Emmanuel Macron wants to generalize is “abominable”, according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

The “school of the future” thought up by Emmanuel Macron is “abominable”, estimated the leader of the New popular, economic and social union (Nupes), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Friday June 3 on franceinfo. The President of the Republic announced Thursday that he wanted to generalize this educational experiment carried out in Marseille. It should allow establishments to finance an innovative project around culture, languages, the environment or science by giving school principals the opportunity to participate in the recruitment of their teaching staff.

For the former candidate of La France insoumise (LFI) for the presidential election, the “school of the future” comes down to “dismember National Education”.

“It means breaking up the French school system into autonomous and competing establishments.”

Jean-Luc Melenchon

at franceinfo

And “when we say autonomous and competitive, it means that the programs will not be the same from one establishment to another, the standards for recruiting teachers will not be the same”he developed. “For me, who represents first and foremost the popular people, that means that we will have a double penalty for us”he assured. “Your diploma, you will have a baccalaureate, but you will be told: ‘where is it a baccalaureate? From which high school?'”he said.

“From the moment a headteacher chooses the teachers, we will immediately have a bonus for cronyism, a bonus for a vision of the headteacher!”

Jean-Luc Melenchon

at franceinfo

“If I am the Prime Minister, if the Nupes is in the majority, we will restore the homogeneity of education throughout the country, that is to say that the diplomas will have the same value, promises Jean-Luc Mélenchon. We will remove Parcoursup, we will remove the random schedules planned in the college, we will recruit teachers as many as necessary until everyone is well supervised and well educated. “I will put the package whatever it costs”, he insisted.

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