VIDEO. The Republicans “are the only ones who did not understand what happened in the first round” of the presidential election, criticizes Renaud Muselier


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Guest of 8:30 a.m. from franceinfo, Renaud Muselier strongly criticized his former political family, Les Républicains, “who does not get along with anyone”.

The Republicans “are the only ones who did not understand what happened in the first round” of the presidential election, castigates Tuesday, May 3 on franceinfo the president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region Renaud Muselier. “All those who have made less than 5% are trying to find solutions to survive, to appear, to have a parliamentary voice”. Unlike Eric Zemmour who “tries to be recovered by Madame Le Pen, while he shot her”Renaud Muselier points to his “own family that doesn’t get along with anyone, they’re going to go there on their own”.

Renaud Muselier, who left Les Républicains, recalls that those who joined Emmanuel Macron are considered as “traitors” who have “all the sins of the world”while “Mr. Ciotti who supported Mr. Zemmour, we don’t say anything to him”. A “big gap” which, according to him, explains the failure of “Poor Madame Pécresse: when you do a split marathon, you fall to the ground”.he quips.

“It is by adding that we win!”says Renaud Muselier, inviting his political family to join him in the majority. “It may be a bit late, but come quickly.” Renaud Muselier also castigates François-Xavier Bellamy who asks Nicolas Sarkozy for clarity. “He has never won an election and he is asking for explanations from the last President of the Republic of our political family, a wise and experienced man. Let him stay in his place, in his sandbox.”

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