VIDEO. The Pride of the suburbs in Saint-Denis



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On June 4, Pride of the suburbs took place, a march bringing together activists of the LGBTQIA cause. On the occasion, about 10,000 people strolled through the town of Saint-Denis to assert their rights.

“We thought we had to make the voices of working-class neighborhoods heard”. The Pride of the suburbs took place on June 4 in Saint-Denis. On the occasion, around 10,000 people joined the march, three times more than in 2019.

“Me, that’s what I find super interesting, it’s that we fight against the stereotypes that we attach to the suburbs, the fact that it’s dangerous to be queer in the suburbs, that it’s not there are no such subjects”says Claire, co-organizer.

“Coming together is also about celebrating everything that makes us the people we are, our history, whether queer or linked to immigration. And it reminds us that we can be both. We can be queer and we can be bled too”explains Farah, another co-founder of the Pride of the suburbs.

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