VIDEO. The price of periodic protection in the world



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In France, a woman spends an average of 8,000 euros throughout her life for periodic protection. A figure that can climb up to 20,000 euros depending on the abundance of periods and the pain associated with them. Brut made a summary of the price of menstrual protection around the world.

Having your period is normal. Free and open access to reusable tampons, pads and devices should be too.”Depending on the country, access to periodic protection is different. If Scotland has decided to guarantee their free, women still suffer the consequences of too high prices in other countries.

Scotland is the first country in the world and the only one to have adopted free menstrual protection. Local authorities and schools and universities will have to provide tampons and sanitary pads free of charge. An application has even been launched to find the nearest distribution points. Since June 2021, New Zealand has also encouraged schools to distribute protection, as has the United States, which has implemented this system in certain universities.

In Lebanon, the high price of periodic protection pushes some women to fall back on cloth protection. “Sanitary napkins are worth 52,000 pounds. It’s like telling you that you, in France, to buy a pack of sanitary napkins, you have to spend more than 30 €”, explains a resident. In France, poverty prevents 1.7 million women from buying sanitary protection. In total around the world, approximately 500 million women are affected by menstrual poverty.

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