VIDEO. “The French state provides 26% less money per woman victim of violence compared to before #MeToo”


Video length:
4 mins


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France Televisions

Although complaints and reports have increased significantly since the #MeToo movement, the budget allocated by the French government remains today largely insufficient according to Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation.

This year, the government allocated 184 million euros to the fight against violence against women. That is an increase of 50 million euros compared to five years ago, the date of the last report produced by the Women’s Foundation. A misleading figure, which is in reality not positive, for Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Foundation. On “the additional 50 million euros put on the table by the government”, only “12.7 million euros are intended for victims of sexual violence. That is to say almost 20 cents per victim”. And of these 12.7 million euros, only “200,000 are intended to fight against sexual harassment at work, harassment that 20% of women will experience during their lives” explains Anne-Cécile Mailfert.

“The State should in reality put on the table not 184 million but 2.6 billion euros, which represents 0.5% of the State budget”

The other intrinsic problem that Anne-Cécile Mailfert highlights is that if “since #MeToo there has been an increase in the number of complaints and reports”, and therefore a growing number of women looking for support, associations today do not have more resources to help them. Need for rehousing, psychological or legal support, go to court… “By going all this way and multiplying by the number of women who are filing complaints today, we realize that the State should in reality put on the table not 184 million but 2.6 billion euros.” says the president of the Women’s Foundation before adding: “This money seems enormous. In reality, 2.6 billion, if we relate it to the state budget, it is 0.5% of the state budget. This money can exist if we give ourselves the means”.

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