VIDEO. The discourse of École Polytechnique students on the ecological impact of their industry


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“It is more than crucial to criticize, to denounce, to dare to oppose these blockages which prevent us from having the level of ambition necessary in the face of the ecological emergency.” Barely graduated, these students from the École Polytechnique revolted against the environmental impact of their industry.

“It is urgent to embark on a radical shift, to get off the rails on which our diploma and our network are insidiously setting us up. It is urgent to give up our little comfort, a comfort that is certainly reassuring, but deleterious.”

On the occasion of their graduation, these students from the École Polytechnique took the floor to denounce the ecological impact of their industry and a training they consider too “elitist”.

“Let’s come down to earth. Let us listen to the women and men around us who have much more to teach us than what our predecessors were willing to hear from them.”

With such a speech, the students also seek to challenge the alumni of their school.

“We can only meet the ecological challenge with the active involvement of economic and political decision-makers. Alumni of the École polytechnique, we turn to you. Engage yourself.”

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